Horns of Elfland

The thoughts of an Evanglical Christian who needs some expresso. Musings on High Fantasy, Celtic Christianity, and life in general.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Lost and Found

Durin Recommends: Lost and Found by Alan Dean Foster.

If you like Sci-fi you will enjoy this lighthearted adventure. Alan Dean Foster does a great job of decribing different aliens and all their quirky ways. In this story the main character gets abducted by aliens while out camping. The descriptions of the alien spacecraft is great as well as all the other creaters that were captured for "pets".

A fun read.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Newark Catholic was Playing

I could have gone to the game. My Pop would have been there and it was going to be a good game.

I wanted to go to the game, I really did. But when I go to the game I return to High School.

Everyone seems so connected, everyone seems so close as we cheer the team on.

But I am not, I stand alone in the midst of the crowd.

I decided to stay home.

Newark Catholic Lost

I Lost My Son

As thin and insubstantial as my parenthood was, for a few hours I was a father. I held my son in my arms. I dreamed dreams of future possibilities that fell into ashes and oblivion.

So I found myself driving away from my son and that future I had hoped for. Against my will I had turned the car towards home.

What is it to lose a son, even if you only had him for a few hours.

I Lost My Son

Friday, September 03, 2004


I am going to get to journey to Ireland in October.

I am really looking forward to this trip as a retreat and a time for inspiration. I have been fairly spiritually dead recently. Part of that is definatly my fault, In fact most of that is my fault.

I have been in a lot of emotional pain since I lost my Son. That kind of pain seems to blank out your God radar. You just don't feel or know where God is coming from when you get a blow like that. It takes time to heal and to recconect. So I am really hoping for a miraculous reconnection as I journey back to the land of my fathers.

I want to relearn God's heart for me and recommit my heart to him.

May your Salvation three Lords be always with me!