Horns of Elfland

The thoughts of an Evanglical Christian who needs some expresso. Musings on High Fantasy, Celtic Christianity, and life in general.

Friday, February 24, 2006

For Us The Living


Long time no post.

Lately I have been reading a hodgepodge of different books.

I finally read Eragon and while I enjoyed this book I don't think it deserves all the furor surounding it. It is a good fantasy book, but not as good as Harry Potter or Valdemar or Wheel of Time ect. ect.

The one thing I liked about Eragon was that there was basically one story line. I like multiple story lines but a single story line done well makes a great book. I liked especially Angela The Witch, and once Eragon reaches the Varden and the Dwarves the book is very interesting. I think Eldest does not have the attention grabber that Eragon had. Also It's way too long. I'm not finished with it yet but it was not that exciting.

I had time to read Wizard of London which is the new Victorian series book by Merecedes Lackey. Once again M Lackey creates characters which steal your heart. I connect on an emotional level with Lackey characters more than any other author except Robin Hobb.

Also I read For Us The Living by Robert Heinlein. Once again the genius of Heinlein shows through. But the morality tale of a story gets bogged down tellling political and economic stories.

Finally How am I doing Spiritually.

Not Great.

I feel like I am disconnected from things. I have not been able to have a devotional time. Maybe I need to try to have devotions in the evening because the morning devotions always seem to get shot down by not having enough time.

I feel disconnected from my Church. I feel like I want to explore things in this direction but everyone else is in the oposite direction. I feel like I get bogged down in the mundane so consequently I can't get filled up by the Spiritual.


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