Horns of Elfland

The thoughts of an Evanglical Christian who needs some expresso. Musings on High Fantasy, Celtic Christianity, and life in general.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Soul Friend

I am reading a great book The Celtic Way of Prayer by Ester De Waal. In this book there is an overview of the Celtic concept of the "Soul Friend".

A "Soul Friend" would be someone you know inside and out. One that would challenge you on your weakness and encourage you in your Christian Walk. Often Soul Friends would set penances for one another to balance out their strengths and weaknesses.

ie. Fasting for someone that has a problem with worldliness or gluttony. ect. ect.

It amazes me that someone would be so trusting with thier Junk to someone else. I would have a very hard time trusting anyone like that. Much is made in church circles about the accountability problem. I don't think we have an accountability problem. I think we have a Trust problem.


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