For Us The Living
Long time no post.
Lately I have been reading a hodgepodge of different books.
I finally read Eragon and while I enjoyed this book I don't think it deserves all the furor surounding it. It is a good fantasy book, but not as good as Harry Potter or Valdemar or Wheel of Time ect. ect.
The one thing I liked about Eragon was that there was basically one story line. I like multiple story lines but a single story line done well makes a great book. I liked especially Angela The Witch, and once Eragon reaches the Varden and the Dwarves the book is very interesting. I think Eldest does not have the attention grabber that Eragon had. Also It's way too long. I'm not finished with it yet but it was not that exciting.
I had time to read Wizard of London which is the new Victorian series book by Merecedes Lackey. Once again M Lackey creates characters which steal your heart. I connect on an emotional level with Lackey characters more than any other author except Robin Hobb.
Also I read For Us The Living by Robert Heinlein. Once again the genius of Heinlein shows through. But the morality tale of a story gets bogged down tellling political and economic stories.
Finally How am I doing Spiritually.
Not Great.
I feel like I am disconnected from things. I have not been able to have a devotional time. Maybe I need to try to have devotions in the evening because the morning devotions always seem to get shot down by not having enough time.
I feel disconnected from my Church. I feel like I want to explore things in this direction but everyone else is in the oposite direction. I feel like I get bogged down in the mundane so consequently I can't get filled up by the Spiritual.