Horns of Elfland

The thoughts of an Evanglical Christian who needs some expresso. Musings on High Fantasy, Celtic Christianity, and life in general.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Reedeming The Past

"Christ Behind Me

There He walks in your past. He walks in all the dark rooms you pretend are closed, that He may bring light. Invite Him into your past. Experience His forgiveness, His acceptance of you. Offer especially all that you are ashamed of...all that you wish to forget...all that still pains and hurts you...all the hurt you have caused others. Walk there in the places you are afraid of, knowing that He walks with you and will lead you on!" (Celtic Daily Prayer pg 348)

Jesus has been taking me on a journey through my past these last few years. Via a few books like Wild at Heart and Waking the Dead by John Eldridge.

Jesus showed me that I had a lot of pain that I just kind of shoved underneath the rug. It is like a splinter in your finger. The only way to get healed is to dig that splinter out. It usually hurts a lot but it is the only way.

So as I continue on with this BLOG know that sometimes I will talk about such things.

My Heart will only be free as I apply the healing power of Jesus to the wounds in my Heart. The Lonliness of growing up in a family that found it hard to show love. The Hurts that accumulate over the years at school where I was an outcast. These things sink down to the bottom of your soul and become the governing logic of the Heart. I want Jesus to come and heal my brokenness.

"...he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives..." (Luke 4:18)


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